Thursday, September 6, 2007


This morning I weighed in at 182.2, down 2 pounds from last week and thrilled. But I think my scale is feeling a little wonky today. I weighed in when I woke up and it told me 183.2. I was happy. Then I ate breakfast and used the bathroom. Weighed before getting in the shower. 180.2 Thrilled but thought no way. Reset the scale (as I almost always do) and it read 182. Did it again. 182.2 Again 182.2. Yeah a little obsessive but I wanted to make sure it would read the same twice. I will do the same tomorrow. Weigh in 5 times, one after the other to see if my scale is dying.

Anywho, all morning, after this great weigh in, I wanted junk food. Had my daily soda and a 100 calorie bar. Didn't work. Had lunch and a couple of pretzels. Didn't work. Had a licorice and KitKat Chunky. And now I don't desire any more junk. Lesson learned. If I had simply had the KitKat in the first place I would have avoided an extra 300 calories in trying to avoid it.

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