Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week/weekend recap

Well the week really was a success all in all. Friday and Saturday I went a little of course. There were more jujubes, a planned chocolate indulgence on Friday night and a run in with Timbits on Saturday. DD and I were on our way to pick up DH from the airport and picked up a snack pack on the way. I had enough points to indulge in one and that was the plan. 6 timbits later I had used up 11 WPA points!!!! And really, they aren't all that good. Certainly not as good as the chocolate on Friday. Now I know, don't even bother having the one. Anyway I'm still within my WPA and I shouldn't need them before weigh in on Tuesday.

I did get my 4th run in on Saturday while DD napped. Todays workout was an hour of raking, squats, leg lifts, ab work and pushups. Hurricane Kyle is supposed to bring a bunch of rain and wind overnight but I'm going to plan on a morning run and see what the weather is when I wake up. If the weather is crappy I'll do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.

Goals for the week:

Use less than 15 WPA (unless true hunger is involved).
4 runs
some sort of strength training every day (pushups, squats, abs, etc)

1 comment:

M said...

Awesome, I love how motivated you and everyone else are!