Saturday, August 18, 2007


*****topics shamelessly stolen from Mel over at*******

Ten things I hate about being fat:

1. Sweating
2. Back pain
3. Clothes shopping
4. Lack of sex drive
5. Sweating
6. Having nothing to wear to special events
7. Never feeling satisfied after eating
8. Sweating
9. muffin top
10. Swimsuits

So I've joined the diet naked team over at Club Mom. The whole theory behind this is to let everyone know about the changes you are making in your life. That way there is someone going to notice if you fall off the wagon. For me, the blog is part of this. But I've also told my husband about my plan. I will tell my mother about my plan when I see her on Tuesday. And I've added this blog address to my signature on all the chat boards I frequent. Another important part of dieting naked is getting the truth out there. So here is my truth in numbers.

Current weight : 190.6
Highest weight (when pregnant): 204
Highest weight (not pregnant): 191
Goal weigh: 160

I bought "Living the GI Diet" today and haven't had any sugar or white flour today. My one exception food will be Saturday night pizza. Every Saturday night we have a frozen pizza. Tonight's edition is whole wheat thin crust chicken, spinach and something else by Delissio.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I don't understand the reason for not allowing diet soda, but I haven't read "the GI diet," so maybe that is why.

I have a little habit of reading weight loss blogs - I started ww last January and have lost a big 9 pounds. I have a very low thyroid so that's my excuse. I am actually very happy to have lost anything. That said, I drink a lot of diet soda!

Well, I'm going to put your blog in my "favorites" and check in from time to time. I hope you do well.